Sunday, 2 December 2012

9.  Aeroplane Bungalow (Mona Fendy’s house), Behind Leisure Point, Cheras
For those who don’t know, Mona Fandey was a popular bomoh back in the 90′s, and reportedly used black arts to help many politicians achieve power. She was executed in 2001 for murdering politician Mazlan Idris in 1993 while conducting a ceremony to invest him with power. It’s reported that Mona, along with her husband, had Mazlan lie down while they conducted a ceremony, before dismembering and partially skinning Mazlan. At her execution, she claimed “I will never die,” and her house is supposedly haunted due to the black arts she practices there.

Pontianak Lebuhraya Karak

8.  Karak Highway

The Karak Highway is home to numerous freak accidents and paranormal activity, with drivers reporting the invisible presence of ‘another person’ with them, whether it be a car or motorcycle. Beyond that, there’s an urban legend of a yellow Volkswagen that may chase you on the highway- carrying a ghostly passenger.




Tuesday, 27 November 2012

7. St. Michael's Institution

A group of Catholics missionaries arrived here in 1912 and began building a school next to the famous Kinta River. It did not take long for the missionary brothers who ran the school to have enough funds to erect a huge school building with unique French structural design. When the WW2 broke out, the school was used bu Japanese secret police as their headquarters. Needless to say, there were lots of torturing carried out. The buidling itself had many tunnels which had been sealed off and the tunnels were said to be used by the Japanese to torture prisoners and to store food. Most of the sightings occurs in the Chapel on the fourth floor of the bluiding where a Brother was seen dressed in a black robe holding praying beands in a sitting position facing towards the door (which leads to the brothers quarters) in the very early morning without a head. Those who had witnessed it were asked to keep it a secret.


WATCH IT..........